

李广伟,男,博士,副教授,校特聘教授,校拔尖人才。主要以农业和生物学重大科学问题为导向,以高通量测序技术为手段,利用生物信息学、数量遗传学、群体遗传学和功能基因组学等前沿研究方法,围绕重要农艺性状解析、复杂基因组组装、物种演化形成的分子机理、以及作物分子育种遗传改良等方面开展相关研究工作。在复杂基因组及重要农艺性状解析、物种演化形成的分子机制等方面取得了一系列重要成果,先后在Nature Genetics、Molecular Plant、Plant Journal、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Genome Biology和Nature Ecology & Evolution等专业杂志发表研究论文20余篇。先后获得河南省中原青年拔尖人才、河南省高层次人才、河南省优秀青年基金获得者等荣誉。
1、 河南省优秀青年基金,新合成八倍体小黑麦基因组变异规律与分子机制的研究,2023-2026,主持;
2、 河南农业大学拔尖人才计划项目,2022-2027,主持;
3、 河南省中原青年博士后创新人才计划,以乌拉尔图小麦为模式解析和改良小麦重要农艺性状的分子基础,2018-2020,主持;
4、 郑州市创新领军团队项目,高产优质强筋小麦“芯片种质”研究与产业化,2022-2023,参与;
5、 国家自然科学基金,水稻"杀手-保护者"生殖隔离体系的起源演化研究和在杂种优势上的应用,2014-2017,参与。
1. Li G*, Wang Z*, Meng Y, Fu ZQ, Wang D*, Zhang K*. 2023. A new phase of treasure hunting in plant genebanks. Mol Plant S1674-2052(23)00008-4
2. Li G*, Wang L*, Yang J**, He H*, Jin H*, Li X*, Ren T*, Ren Z, Li F, Han X, Zhao X, Dong L, Li Y, Song Z, Yan Z, Zheng N, Shi C, Wang Z, Yang S, Xiong Z, Zhang M, Sun G, Zheng X, Gou M, Ji C, Du J, Zheng H, Dolezel J, Deng X, Stein N, Yang Q*, Zhang K*, Wang D*. 2021. A high-quality genome assembly highlights rye genomic characteristics and agronomically important genes. Nat Genetics 53, 574-584.
3. Jia J**, Xie Y*, Cheng J*, Kong C*, Wang M, Gao L, Zhao F, Guo J, Wang K, Li G, Cui D, Hu T, Zhao G*, Wang D*, Ru Z*, Zhang Y*. 2021. Homology-mediated inter-chromosomal interactions in hexaploid wheat lead to specific subgenome territories following polyploidization and introgression. Genome Biol 22:26.
4. Zhai H*, Jiang C*, Zhao Y*, Yang S, Li Y, Yan K, Wu S, Luo B, Du Y, Jin H, Xin Liu2, Zhang Y, Lu F, Reynolds M, Ou X, Qiao W, Jiang Z, Peng T, Gao D, Hu W, Wang J, Gao H, Yin G, Zhang K*, Li G* and Wang D*. 2020. Wheat heat tolerance is impaired by heightened deletions in the distal end of 4AL chromosomal arm. Plant Biotechnol J DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13529.
5. Xia T*, Yang Y*, Zheng H, Han X, Jin H, Xiong Z, Qian W, Xia L, Ji X, Li G*, Wang D* and Zhang K*. 2020. Efficient expression and function of a receptor-like kinase in wheat powdery mildew defense require an intron located MYB binding site. Plant Biotechnol J DOI: 10.1111/pbi.13512.
6. Mi J*, Li G*, Xu C*, Yang J, Yu H, Wang G, Li X, Xiao J, Song H, Zhang Q and Ouyang Y*. 2020. Artificial selection in domestication and breeding prevents speciation in rice. Mol Plant 13:650-657. 
7. Li G, Jin J, Zhou Y, Bai X, Mao D, Tan C, Wang G, Ouyang Y*. 2019. Genome-wide dissection of segregation distortion using multiple inter-subspecific crosses in rice. Sci China Life Sci 62:507-516.
8. X Wang, T Zhou, G Li, W Yao, W Hu, X Wei, J Che, H Yang, L Shao, J Hua. A Ghd7-centered regulatory network provides a mechanistic approximation to the optimal heterosis in an elite rice hybrid. 2022. The Plant Journal. 112:68-83.
9. Zhang L, Ren Y, Yang T, Li G, Chen J, Gschwend A, Yu Y, Hou G, Zi J, Zhou R, Wen B, Zhang J, Chougule K, Wang M, Copetti D, Peng Z, Zhang C, Zhang Y, Ouyang Y, Wing R, Liu S and Long M. 2019. Rapid evolution of protein diversity by de novo origination in Oryza. Nat Ecol Evol 3, 679–690.
10. Yao W*, Li G*, Cui Y, Yu Y, Zhang Q*, Xu S*. Mapping quantitative trait loci using binned genotypes. 2019. J Genet Genomics. 20;46:343-352.
11. Cui Y*, Li R*, Li G*, Zhang F, Zhu T, Zhang Q, Ali J, Li Z*, Xu S*. 2020. Hybrid breeding of rice via genomic selection. Plant Biotechnol J 18:57-67.
12. Li G*, Li X*, Wang Y, Mi J, Xing F, Zhang D, Dong Q, Li X, Xiao J, Zhang Q, Ouyang Y*. 2017. Three representative inter and intra-subspecific crosses reveal the genetic architecture of reproductive isolation in rice. Plant J 92:349-362. 
13. Ouyang Y**, Li G*, Mi J*, Xu C, Du H, Zhang C, Xie W, Li X, Xiao J, Song H, Zhang Q*. 2016. Origination and establishment of a trigenic reproductive isolation system in rice. Mol Plant 9:1542-1545. 
14. Yao W, Li G, Zhao H, Wang G, Lian X, Xie W. 2015. Exploring the rice dispensable genome using a metagenome-like assembly strategy. Genome Biol 16:187.
15. Yao W, Li G, Yu I, Ouyang Y. 2018. funRiceGenes dataset for comprehensive understanding and application of rice functional genes. Gigascience 7:1-9.
16. Mi J, Li G, Huang J, Yu H, Zhou F, Zhang Q, Ouyang Y, Mou T. 2016. Stacking S5-n and f5-n to overcome sterility in indica-japonica hybrid rice. Theor Appl Genet 129:563-575.
17. Bai X, Zhao H, Huang Y, Xie W, Han Z, Zhang B, Guo Z, Yang L, Dong H, Xue W, Li G, Hu G, Hu Y, Xing Y. 2016. Genome-wide association analysis reveals different genetic control in panicle architecture between and rice. Plant Genome 9: 1-10.
18. Dong H, Zhao H, Xie W, Han Z, Li G, Yao W, Bai X, Hu Y, Guo Z, Lu K, Yang L, Xing Y. 2016. A novel tiller angle gene, TAC3, together with TAC1 and D2 Largely determine the natural variation of tiller angle in rice cultivars. PLoS Genet 12:e1006412.
19. Li Q, Yan W, Chen H, Tan C, Han Z, Yao W, Li G, Yuan M, Xing Y. 2016. Duplication of OsHAP family genes and their association with heading date in rice. J Exp Bot 67:1759-1768.
20. Niu S, Yu Y, Xu C, Li G, Ouyang Y. 2014. Prezygotic Reproductive Isolation and Fertility in Crosses between Indica and Japonica Subspecies. Sci China Ser C-Life Sci 44(8): 815-821.
21. Zhang L, Mao D, Xing F, Bai X, Zhao H, Yao W, Li G, Xie W, Xing Y. 2015. Loss of function of OsMADS3 via the insertion of a novel retrotransposon leads to recessive male sterility in rice (Oryza sativa). Plant Sci 238:188-197.
22. Zhang L, Li Q, Dong H, He Q, Liang L, Tan C, Han Z, Yao W, Li G, Zhao H, Xie W, Xing Y. 2015. Three CCT domain-containing genes were identified to regulate heading date by candidate gene-based association mapping and transformation in rice. Sci Rep 5:7663.