王道文,1965年生,博士,研究员,国家杰出青年科学基金获得者、国务院特殊津贴专家、新世纪百千万人才工程国家级人选、中原学者,现任河南农业大学学术副校长、农学院院长和河南农业大学作物学国家一级学科重点学科第一学术带头人。1985年于河南农业大学获得学士学位,1993年在英国University of East Anglia/John Innes Center获得博士学位,1993-1997在John Innes Center开展博士后研究。1991年以来,以第一或通讯作者身份在Nature、Science、Nature Genetics、Science Advances、PNAS、Plant Cell、New Phytologist、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Journal、Journal of Integrative Plant Biology、Theoretical and Applied Genetics等刊物发表论文80余篇,获中华农业科技奖一等奖1项(第二完成人)。
王道文团队作为主要力量之一完成小麦A基因组测序与精细图谱绘制,研究论文分别于2013和2018年发表于Nature,领衔完成威宁黑麦基因组精细物理图谱构建,研究结果于2021年发表于Nature Genetics;建立了利用系列突变体解析并改良小麦品质的研究体系,相关论文发表于Molecular Plant等刊物;通过分子和常规育种技术结合,培育出优质强筋小麦新品种科兴3302、营养强化功能小麦新品种豫州黑麦1号和2号、耐盐丰产小麦新品种豫州810和科兴789。“十一五”和“十二五”期间,作为首席科学家主持并完成了两个国家重点基础研究发展规划项目(973项目)的研究,现主持“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目“主要农作物品质性状形成的分子基础”的研究。
ORCID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6230-8735.
1993.4 - 1997.2,英国John Innes Centre病毒研究系,博士后
1997.3 - 2017.3,中国科学院遗传与发育生物学研究所
2017.4 - 2020.7,河南农业大学农学院
2020.8 - 至今,河南农业大学农学院,院长
小麦A 基因组测序与分析,2012AA10A308,国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划),主持,390.00万元,2012-2015
Jia J, Zhao G, Li D, Wang K, Kong C, Deng P, Yan X, Zhang X, Lu Z, Xu S, Jiao Y, Chong K, Liu X, Cui D, Li G, Zhang Y, Du C, Wu L, Li T, Yan D, Zhan K, Chen F, Wang Z, Zhang L, Kong X, Ru Z, Wang D, Gao L. Genome resources for the elite bread wheat cultivar Aikang 58 and mining of elite homeologous haplotypes for accelerating wheat improvement. Molecular Plant. 2023; 16: 1893-1910.
Jin H, Wang D, Wang X. A novel module regulating ROS in NLR-mediated immunity. Trends in Plant Science. 2023; 28: 512-514.
Kong C, Zhao G, Gao L, Kong X, Wang D, Liu X, Jia J. Epigenetic Landscape Is Largely Shaped by Diversiform Transposons in Aegilops tauschii. Int J Mol Sci. 2023; 24: 9349.
Carty M, Wang C, Wang D, Fu ZQ. Autophagy and jasmonate fight nematode blight. Trends Parasitol. 2023; 39: 893-895.
Zhang J, Wang D, Fu ZQ. Flooding plant apoplast through water and solute channels. Cell Res. 2023 Nov 20.
Wang L, Zhang K, Wang Z, Yang J, Kang G, Liu Y, You L, Wang X, Jin H, Wang D, Guo T. Appropriate reduction of importin-α gene expression enhances yellow dwarf disease resistance in common wheat. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2024;22: 572-586.
Jin H, Han X, Wang Z, Xie Y, Zhang K, Zhao X, Wang L, Yang J, Liu H, Ji X, Dong L, Zheng H, Hu W, Liu Y, Wang X, Zhou X, Zhang Y, Qian W, Zheng W, Shen Q*, Gou M*, Wang D*. Barley GRIK1‐SnRK1 kinases subvert a viral virulence protein to upregulate antiviral RNAi and inhibit infection. EMBO Journal. 2022; 41(18): e110521.
Qi G, Chen H, Wang D, Zheng H, Tang X, Guo Z, Cheng J, Chen J, Wang Y, Bai M, Liu F, Wang D*, Fu Z*. The BZR1-EDS1 module regulates plant growth-defense coordination. Molecular Plant. 2021; 14(12):2072-2087.
Li G, Wang L, Yang J*, He H, Jin H, Li X, Ren T, Ren Z, Li F, Han X, Zhao X, Dong L, Li Y, Song Z, Yan Z, Zheng N, Shi C, Wang Z, Yang S, Xiong Z, Zhang M, Sun G, Zheng X, Gou M, Ji C, Du J, Zheng H, Doležel J, Deng X, Stein N, Yang Q*, Zhang K*, Wang D*. A high-quality genome assembly highlights rye genomic characteristics and agronomically important genes. Nature Genetics. 2021; 53: 574-584.
Zhai H, Jiang C, Zhao Y, Yang S, Li Y, Yan K, Wu S, Luo B, Du Y, Jin H, Liu X, Zhang Y, Lu F, Reynolds M, Ou X, Qiao W, Jiang Z, Peng T, Gao D, Hu W, Wang J, Gao H, Yin G, Zhang K*, Li G*, Wang D*. Wheat heat tolerance is impaired by heightened deletions in the distal end of 4AL chromosomal arm. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021; 19: 1038-1051.
Xia T, Yang Y, Zheng H, Han X, Jin H, Xiong Z, Qian W, Xia L, Ji X, Li G*, Wang D*, Zhang K*. Efficient expression and function of a receptor-like kinase in wheat powdery mildew defence require an intron-located MYB binding site. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2021; 19: 897-909.
Wang D*, Li F, Cao S, Zhang K*. Genomic and functional genomics analyses of gluten proteins and prospect for simultaneous improvement of end-use and health-related traits in wheat. Theoretical and Applied Genetics. 2020; 133: 1521-1539.
Jin H, Du Z, Zhang Y, Antal J, Xia Z, Wang Y, Gao Y, Zhao X, Han X, Cheng Y, Shen Q, Zhang K, Elder RE, Benko Z, Fenyvuesvolgyi C, Li G, Rebello D, Li J, Bao S, Zhao RY*, Wang D*. A distinct class of plant and animal viral proteins that disrupt mitosis by directly interrupting the mitotic entry switch Wee1-Cdc25-Cdk1. Science Advances. 2020; 6: eaba3418.
Ji X*, Yang B, Wang D*. Achieving plant genome editing while bypassing tissue culture. Trends in Plant Science. 2020; 25: 427-429.
Zheng H, Dong L, Han X, Jin H, Yin C, Han Y, Li B, Qin H, Zhang J, Shen Q, Zhang K*, Wang D*. The TuMYB46L-TuACO3 module regulates ethylene biosynthesis in einkorn wheat defense to powdery mildew. New Phytologist. 2020; 225: 2526-2541.
Cao X, Dong Z, Tian D, Dong L, Qian W, Liu J, Liu X, Qin H, Zhai W, Gao C, Zhang K*, Wang D*. Development and characterization of marker-free and transgene insertion site-defined transgenic wheat with improved grain storability and fatty acid content. Plant Biotechnology Journal. 2020;18: 129-140.
Zhang K*, Wang J, Qin H, Wei Z, Hang L, Zhang P, Reynolds M, Wang D*. Assessment of the individual and combined effects of Rht8 and Ppd-D1a on plant height, time to heading and yield traits in common wheat. The Crop Journal. 2019; 7: 845-856.
Ling HQ*, Ma B, Shi X, Liu H, Dong L, Sun H, Cao Y, Gao Q, Zheng S, Li Y, Yu Y, Du H, Qi M, Li Y, Lu H, Yu H, Cui Y, Wang N, Chen C, Wu H, Zhao Y, Zhang J, Li Y, Zhou W, Zhang B, Hu W, van Eijk MJT, Tang J, Witsenboer HMA, Zhao S, Li Z, Zhang A*, Wang D*, Liang C*. Genome sequence of the progenitor of wheat A subgenome Triticum urartu. Nature. 2018; 557: 424-428.
Qi G, Chen J, Chang M, Chen H, Hall K, Korin J, Liu F, Wang D*, Fu ZQ*. Pandemonium breaks out: disruption of salicylic acid-mediated defense by plant pathogens. Molecular Plant. 2018; 11: 1427-1439.
Li D, Jin H, Zhang K, Wang Z, Wang F, Zhao Y, Huo N, Liu X, Gu YQ, Wang D*, Dong L*. Analysis of the Gli-D2 locus identifies a genetic target for simultaneously improving the breadmaking and health-related traits of common wheat. Plant Journal. 2018; 95: 414-426.
Xiao J, Dong L, Jin H, Zhang J, Zhang K, Liu N, Han X, Zheng H, Zheng W*, Wang D*. Reactions of Triticum urartu accessions to two races of the wheat yellow rust pathogen. The Crop Journal. 2018; 6: 509-515.
Zhang Y, Li D, Zhang D, Zhao X, Cao X, Dong L, Liu J, Chen K, Zhang H, Gao C*, Wang D*. Analysis of the functions of TaGW2 homoeologs in wheat grain weight and protein content traits. Plant Journal 2018; 94: 857-866.
Wang D*, Zhang K, Dong L, Dong Z, Li Y, Hussain A, Zhai H. Molecular genetic and genomic analysis of wheat milling and end-use traits in China: Progress and perspectives. The Crop Journal 2018; 6: 68-81.
Lou H, Dong L, Zhang K, Wang DW, Zhao M, Li Y, Rong C, Qin H, Zhang A, Dong Z, Wang D*. High-throughput mining of E-genome-specific SNPs for characterizing Thinopyrum elongatum introgressions in common wheat. Molecular Ecology Resources 2017; 17: 1318-1329.
Wang Z, Li Y, Yang Y, Liu X, Qin H, Dong Z, Zheng S, Zhang K, Wang D*. New insight into the function of wheat glutenin proteins as investigated with two series of genetic mutants. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: 3428.
Dong ZY, Yang Y, Zhang KP, Li YW, Wang JJ, Wang ZJ, Liu XJ, Qin HJ, Wang D*. Development of a new set of molecular markers for examining Glu-A1 variants in common wheat and ancestral species. PLoS One 2017; 12: e0180766.
Wang DW, Li D, Wang J, Zhao Y, Wang Z, Yue G, Liu X, Qin H, Zhang K, Dong L, Wang D*. Genome-wide analysis of complex wheat gliadins, the dominant carriers of celiac disease epitopes. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: 44609.
Zong Y, Xi X, Li S, Chen W, Zhang B, Liu D, Liu B*, Wang D*, Zhang HG*. Allelic variation and transcriptional isoforms of wheat TaMYC1 gene regulating anthocyanin synthesis in pericarp. Frontiers in Plant Science 2017; 8: 1645.
Zhang J, Li B, Yang Y, Mu P, Qian W, Dong L, Zhang K, Liu X, Qin H, Ling H, Wang D*. A novel allele of L-galactono-1,4-lactone dehydrogenase is associated with enhanced drought tolerance through affecting stomatal aperture in common wheat. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: 30177.
Dong L, Huo N, Wang Y, Deal K, Wang D, Hu T, Dvorak J, Anderson OD, Luo MC, Gu YQ*. Rapid evolutionary dynamics in a 2.8-Mb chromosomal region containing multiple prolamin and resistance gene families in Aegilops tauschii. Plant Journal 2016; 87: 495-506.
Zhang J, Zheng H, Li Y, Li H, Liu X, Qin H, Dong L, Wang D*. Coexpression network analysis of the genes regulated by two types of resistance responses to powdery mildew in wheat. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: 23805.
Li Y, An X, Yang R, Guo X, Yue G, Fan R, Li B, Li Z, Zhang K, Dong Z, Zhang L, Wang J, Jia X, Ling HQ, Zhang A*, Zhang X*, Wang D*. Dissecting and enhancing the contributions of high-molecular-weight glutenin subunits to dough functionality and bread quality. Molecular Plant 2015; 8: 332-334.
Dong L, Liu H, Zhang J, Yang S, Kong G, Chu JSC, Chen N*, Wang D*. Single-molecule real-time transcript sequencing facilitates common wheat genome annotation and grain transcriptome research. BMC Genomics 2015; 16: 1039.
Dong Z*, Feng B, Liang H, Rong C, Zhang K, Cao X, Qin H, Liu X, Wang T, Wang D*. Grain-specific reduction in lipoxygenase activity improves flour color quality and seed longevity in common wheat. Molecular Breeding 2015; 35: 150.
Yang Y, Li S, Zhang K, Dong Z, Li Y, An X, Chen J, Chen Q, Jiao Z, Liu X, Qin H, Wang D*. Efficient isolation of ion beam-induced mutants for homoeologous loci in common wheat and comparison of the contributions of Glu-1 loci to gluten functionality. Theoretical and Applied Genetics 2014; 127: 359-372.
Cao P, Ren Y, Zhang K, Teng W, Zhao X, Dong Z, Liu X, Qin H, Li Z, Wang D*, Tong Y*. Further genetic analysis of a major quantitative trait locus controlling root length and related traits in common wheat. Molecular Breeding 2014; 33: 975-985.
Dong L, Wang F, Liu T, Dong Z, Li A, Jing R, Mao L, Li Y, Liu X, Zhang K*, Wang D*. Natural variation of TaGASR7-A1 affects grain length in common wheat under multiple cultivation conditions. Molecular Breeding 2014; 34: 937-947.
Ling HQ*, Zhao S, Liu D, Wang J, Sun H, Zhang C, Fan H, Li D, Dong L, Tao Y, Gao C, Wu H, Li Y, Cui Y, Guo X, Zheng S, Wang B, Yu K, Liang Q, Yang W, Lou X, Chen J, Feng M, Jian J, Zhang X, Luo G, Jiang Y, Liu J, Wang Z, Sha Y, Zhang B, Wu H, Tang D, Shen Q, Xue P, Zou S, Wang X, Liu X, Wang F, Yang Y, An X, Dong Z, Zhang K, Zhang X, Luo MC, Dvorak J, Tong Y, Wang J, Yang H, Li Z*, Wang D*, Zhang A*, Wang J*. Draft genome of the wheat A-genome progenitor Triticum urartu. Nature 2013; 496: 87-90.
Zhang K, Wang J, Zhang L, Rong C, Zhao F, Peng T, Li H, Cheng D, Liu X, Qin H, Zhang A, Tong Y, Wang D*. Association analysis of genomic loci important for grain weight control in elite common wheat varieties cultivated with variable water and fertiliser supply. PLoS One 2013; 8: e57853.
Dong Z, Yang Y, Li Y, Zhang K, Lou H, An X, Dong L, Gu YQ, Anderson OD, Liu X, Qin H, Wang D*. Haplotype variation of Glu-D1 locus and the origin of Glu-D1d allele conferring superior end-use qualities in common wheat. PLoS One 2013; 8: e74859.
Feng B, Dong Z, Xu Z, Wang D*, Wang T*. Molecular characterization of a novel type of lipoxygenase (LOX) gene from common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.). Molecular Breeding 2012; 30: 113-124.
Wang F, Zhao S, Han Y, Shao Y, Dong Z, Gao Y, Zhang K, Liu X, Li D, Chang J, Wang D. Efficient and fine mapping of RMES1 conferring resistance to sorghum aphid Melanaphis sacchari. Molecular Breeding. 2013; 31: 777-784.
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Wang GF, Wei X, Fan R, Zhou H, Wang X, Yu C, Dong L, Dong Z, Wang X, Kang Z, Ling H, Shen QH, Wang D*, Zhang X*. Molecular analysis of common wheat genes encoding three types of cytosolic heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90): functional involvement of cytosolic Hsp90s in the control of wheat seedling growth and disease resistance. New Phytologist 2011; 191: 418-431.
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