

姓    名: 梁妍                      性  别:    女
出生年月:1990.11                   民   族:   汉
籍    贯:山西平遥                  政治面貌: 群众
学    历:博士研究生                职   称:  新入职未评
研究领域:天然产物生物活性评价      办公地点: 南518
2009.09--2013.06 西北师范大学     学 士
2015.09--2017.06 兰州大学         硕 士
2018.07--2022.09  兰州大学        博 士
2022.09--2023.09  中国科学院近代物理研究所/科研助理 应用重离子辐照筛选高品质的牛至新品种的研究
1. Liang, Y; Zhang, H.H; Zhang, X; Peng, Y; Deng, J.D; Wang, Y.Q; Li, R.H; Liu, L.Y; Wang, Z, Discovery of evodiamine derivatives as potential lead antifungal agents for the treatment of superficial fungal infections, Bioorg.Chem, 127 (2022) 105981.
2. Liang, Y; Quan, H.L; Bu, T; Li, X.D; Liu, X.G; Wang, S.S; J, Q.Z and Zhang, Y, Comparison of the Inhibitory Binding Modes Between the Planar Fascaplysin and Its Nonplanar Tetrahydro-β-carboline Analogs in CDK4, Frontiers in chemistry, 9 (2021) 614154.
3. Liang, Y; He, D; Zhou, D.S; Li, J.S; Tang, L and Wang, Z, Synthesis, Antibacterial and Pharmacokinetic Evaluation of Novel Derivatives of Harmine N9-Cinnamic Acid, Molecules, 26.16 (2021) 4842.
4. Liang, Y; Song, T.Z; He, B.M; Tang, L; Zhou, D.S and He, D, Synthesis and Crystallization of Harmine derivatives and tetrahydro-β-carboline derivatives and in vitro antibacterial study. Molecules 2022, 27.
5. Jiang, T.T; Zhou, X; Liang, Y, A small‐scale investigation process for the Clostridium acetobutylicum production of butanol using high‐energy carbon heavy ion irradiation[J]. Engineering in Life ences, 2018, 18.
6. Jiang, T.T; Zhou, X; Liang, Y; Jiang, A. L; Liang J. P, a Effects of Different Stem Skin and Marrow Root Mesh Sizes in Sweet Sorghum Bagasse on the Release of Sugar in Hydrolysis[J]. Sugar Tech, 2018, 21(3):421-436.
7. Liang, Y; Li, S.W; Song, X.D; Zhou, D.S; Zhi, D.J; Hao, B.C; Liu, Y; Liang, J.P and Wang, Z, Swainsonine producing performance of Alternaria oxytropis was improved by heavy-ion mutagenesis technology, FEMS Microbiology Letters, 368 (2021) fnab047.
8. Liang, Y; Fu, Y.X; Liang, J.P, Crystal structure of (3aR,4R,5R,7R,8S,9R,9aS,12R)-7-ethyl-5-(1-hydroxy-2-((R)-3-hydroxypyrrolidin-1-yl)ethoxy)-4,7,9,12-tetramethyldecahydro-4,9a-propanocyclopenta[8]annulene-3,8-diol – a pleuromutilin derivative, C26H41NO5[J]. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - New Crystal Structures, 2018(5):923-925.
9. 梁妍,宋向东,谢宗秀,刘宇,郝宝成,王保海,梁剑平,疯草内生真菌研究进展[J],动物医学进展, 2020, 41(9):5。
10. 梁妍, 周翔, 郭建钊,等,青蒿新品种"科蒿1号"的选育研究[J],中国中药杂志,2019(24):5。
11. 梁妍, 陶蕾, 宋向东,等,12C6+离子束辐照对茶树精油质量及其杀灭口蹄疫病毒效果的影响[J],中国畜牧兽医, 2021。
   授权编号:CN 109651504 B
 授权编号:CN 109568474 B
 授权编号:CN 108310046 B
 授权编号:CN 109884059 B
授权编号:CN 109580319 B
 授权编号:CN 109647592 B
授权编号:CN 108276468 B
2020.12    应用重离子诱变提高马度霉素效价的研究,获河南灵宝科技进步三等奖