郑 旭, 1982年出生,男,四川自贡,博士,特聘教授,博士生导师
4.2013- 2018,麻省理工Whitehead研究所, 博士后
1.Zheng X#, Ali Beyzavi#, Joanna Krakowiak, Nikit Patel, Ahmad S Khalil, David Pincu. (2018). Hsf1 phosphorylation generates cell-to-cell variation in Hsp90 levels and promotes phenotypic plasticity. Cell Reports
2.Joanna Krakowiak#, Zheng X#, Nikit Patel, Zoë A Feder, Jayamni Anandhakumar, Kendra Velerius, David S Gross, Ahmad S Khalil, David Pincus. (2018). Hsf1 and Hsp70 constitute a two-component feedback loop that regulates the yeast heat shock response. eLIFE
3.Zheng X, and David Pincus. (2017). Serial Immunoprecipitation of 3xFLAG/V5-tagged Yeast Proteins. Bio-protocol.
4.Zheng X#, Joanna Krakowiak#, Ali Beyzavi, Jideofor Ezike, Ahmad S. Khalil, David Pincus*. (2016). Dynamic control of Hsf1 during heat shock by a chaperone switch and phosphorylation. eLIFE.
5.Zheng X#, Wu S#, Zhai H, Zhou P, Song M, Su L, Xi Y, Li Z, Cai Y, Meng F, Yang L, Wang H, Yang J*. (2013). Arabidopsis phytochrome B promotes SPA1 nuclear accumulation to repress photomorphogenesis under far-red light. Plant Cell 25: 115–133.
6.Zhang X#, Zheng X#, Ke S, Zhu H, Liu F, Zhang Z, Peng X, Guo L, Zeng R, Hou P, Liu Z, Wu S, Song M, Yang J*, Zhang G*. (2016). ER-localized adenine nucleotide transporter ER-ANT1: an integrator of energy and stress signaling in rice. Plant Molecular Biology 92(6): 701–715.
7.Wu S#, Xiao Y#, Zheng X#, Cai Y#, Doležel J, Liu B, Yang L, Song M, Zhou P, Zhou Y, Meng F, Wang S, Liu H, Zhai H*, Yang J*. (2010). Chromosome sorting and its applications in common wheat (Triticum aestivum) genome sequencing. Chinese Science Bulletin 55: 1463−1468.
8.Solís EJ, Pandey JP, Zheng X, Jin DX, Gupta PB, Airoldi EM, Pincus D, Denic V. (2016). Defining the Essential Function of Yeast Hsf1 Reveals a Compact Transcriptional Program for Maintaining Eukaryotic Proteostasis. Molecular Cell. 63(1): 60-71.
9.Truttmann MC, Zheng X, Hanke L, Damon JR, Grootveld M, Krakowiak J, Pincus D, Ploegh HL. (2016). Unrestrained AMPylation targets cytosolic chaperones and activates the heat shock response. PNAS. (in press). doi: 10.1073/pnas.1619234114.
10.Zhou P#, Song M#, Yang Q, Su L, Hou P, Guo L, Zheng X, Xi Y, Meng F, Xiao Y, Yang L, Yang J*. (2014). Both PHYTOCHROME RAPIDLY REGULATED1 (PAR1) and PAR2 promote seedling photomorphogenesis in multiple light signaling pathways. Plant Physiology 164: 841–852.
11.Su L, Hou P, Song MF, Zheng X, Gu H, Xiao Y, Yan L, Li W*, Yang J*. (2015). Arabidopsis Phytochrome A (phyA) and PhyB synergistically promote seedling de-etiolation under red, blue and white light conditions. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 16(6): 12199–12212.
12.Shi D, Zheng X, Li L, Lin W, Xie W, Yang J, Chen S, Jin W*. (2013). Chlorophyll deficiency in the maize elongated mesocotyl 2 mutant is caused by a defective heme oxygenase and delaying grana stacking. PLoS One 8(11): e80107.
13.Li J, Hou P, Zheng X, Song M, Su L, Yang J*. (2014). Phytochrome D is involved in red light-induced negative gravitropism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Integrative Agriculture 13: 1634-1639.
14.Hou P, Ren Pi, Zeng D, Yu G, Tang W, Zheng X, Yang J*, Liu Y*. (2014). Differential expression patterns and a novel interaction factor of damaged DNA binding protein 1A (DDB1A) and DDB1B in Arabidopsis thaliana. Journal of Plant Biology 57: 239–244.